Attempted Trump 'Armed Aggression' Against Venezuela Failed - Bolivian President

05.04.2019 07:48

Attempted Trump 'Armed Aggression' Against Venezuela Failed - Bolivian President Attempted Trump 'Armed Aggression' Against Venezuela Failed - Bolivian President

Bolivian President Evo Morales believes that an attempt of an "armed aggression" by US President Donald Trump against Venezuela taken under the guise of providing humanitarian aid has failed.

"The reality and state of mind of the Venezuelan people show the failure of the interventionist deception [of US President Donald] Trump, who tried to use fraternal states for the so-called humanitarian aid that in reality concealed armed aggression. The peace in Venezuela is the peace in the whole region," Morales said on Twitter on Tuesday.

On February 23, the Venezuelan opposition tried to force US-sponsored aid into the country through its borders with Colombia and Brazil, both of which support Venezuelan opposition leader and self-proclaimed president Juan Guaido. The failed attempt sparked clashes between Venezuelan officers, who prevented trucks from crossing the country's border without permission, and pro-aid protesters. President Nicholas Maduro denounced the unauthorized aid delivery as part of Washington's attempts to intervene in Venezuela and oust him from power.

Two days after the unsuccessful aid deliveries, Lima Group countries accused Maduro's government of denial of access to US-sponsored international aid.

Caracas, meanwhile, recalled that under international humanitarian law, humanitarian aid is provided in the event of natural disasters, armed conflicts and war. According to Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodriguez, claims about the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the country are designed to justify the invasion of Venezuela, but the people will not allow this.

Russia, which supports the legitimate government, has also repeatedly warned that the crisis around unauthorized aid deliveries might be used as a pretext for a forceful operation.