Bannon Calls Berlusconi One of Greatest Leaders of Century

04.03.2018 16:33

Bannon Calls Berlusconi One of Greatest Leaders of Century Bannon Calls Berlusconi One of Greatest Leaders of Century

Silvio Berlusconi, former Italian prime minister and the head of the center-right party Forza Italia, is one of the greatest leaders of the 21st century, who preceded Trump in terms of his political style, Former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon said in an interview with Corriere della Serra newspaper.

Bannon said that Berlusconi, during his term as the prime minister, exhibited a political style that significantly differed from political classes as before starting his career in politics, Berlusconi used to be a successful businessman like the US president.

The former White House official noted that Berlusconi preceded Trump in showing how a businessman can speak the language of people and faced scrutiny on the international stage, similar to how the US president is treated now, according to the newspaper.

Italians are electing the lower and upper house of the parliament on Sunday. This year's election tests a new voting system — a mixture between first-past-the-post and proportional representation, and is believed to be one of the most unpredictable Italy has ever had.

No party is expected to have a majority strong enough to form the government on its own. This year there is a possibility that there will be a coalition government formed by four right-wing parties with Berlusconi's Forza Italia and far-right Matteo Salvini's Lega (formerly Lega Nord) being the main ones.

In this case, Berlusconi's nominee European Parliament's President Antonio Tajani or Salvini himself will be able to become country's next prime minister. Berlusconi cannot assume this position himself due to a tax fraud investigation.