Boris Johnson pleaded with colleagues not to vote against him, as "there is no worthy successor in the Conservative Party"

07.06.2022 11:20

Boris Johnson pleaded with colleagues not to vote against him, as "there is no worthy successor in the Conservative Party" Boris Johnson pleaded with colleagues not to vote against him, as "there is no worthy successor in the Conservative Party"

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson had a difficult day yesterday, June 6th. In the evening, the so-called British Committee of 1922 (it includes all members of the Parliament, members of the Conservative Party, members of the government) voted on the issue of a vote of no confidence in the current Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

It would take 180 out of 359 votes to remove Johnson from office. British analysts wrote that only about 100 deputies were ready to oppose Johnson. And they predicted that Boris would retain the post of prime minister, but a third of the votes for no confidence in him would be a serious blow to the politician's image.

However, the results of the vote were far different from the forecasts, with 148 out of 359 MPs voting for a vote of no confidence in Prime Minister Johnson. This is a colossal fiasco for the prime minister, even though he retained his post. According to the Daily Mail, now Johnson's Conservative Party associates are literally begging the "rebellious" Tories to back off and not give grounds for victory to rival Laborites.

But Johnson's opponents are determined. He was supported by just 59% of MPs, worse than Theresa May's 63% when she faced a similar challenge. May resigned six months after the vote. The same scenario could be implemented with Johnson.

Although Johnson's closest associates call the vote a "beautiful victory," in reality they are unlikely to be pleased. It is possible that on June 23 the Conservative Party will lose a double by-election in Wakefield, Tiverton and Honiton.

Johnson literally begged not to vote against him, stressing that there was no better successor.

Recall that the very question of Johnson's resignation arose after the infamous party during the self-isolation regime during the coronavirus pandemic. Footage of dancing Johnson hit the net, after which both the British public and his party comrades were outraged by his behavior.

Boris Johnson has been the head of the British government since 2019. Prior to that, he was Mayor of London and Foreign Secretary.