China Opposes NATO Expansion, Says It Does Not Help Global Security

08.02.2022 10:46

China Opposes NATO Expansion, Says It Does Not Help Global Security China Opposes NATO Expansion, Says It Does Not Help Global Security

President Xi Jinping previously signed a joint statement with Russian President Vladimir Putin, in which they urged the alliance to abandon "the ideologised approaches of the Cold War" and stop further expansion of the bloc.

"Thirty years after the end of the Cold War, NATO continues to expand its geography and range of operations, engage in bloc politics and confrontation. This is not contributing to global security and stability", according to a statement posted Tuesday on the official website of China's Mission to the EU.

This message echoes the joint Putin-Xi statement published several days ago, as both Beijing and Moscow backed "true multilateralism" and "democratisation of international relations", opposing the expansion of the bloc. The two presidents also noted that they "oppose the formation of closed bloc structures and opposing camps in the Asia-Pacific region" amid US attempts to create regional organisations excluding China.

Putin and Xi stressed the two nations seek to build "an equal, open, and inclusive security system" in the Indo-Pacific that is "not directed against third countries".

Moscow previously published security agreement proposals, suggesting that NATO should stop its eastward expansion near the Russian border. The bloc, however, refused to review its "open-door" policies.