EU foreign ministers gathered in Luxembourg to discuss developments with Wagner PMC in Russia

26.06.2023 17:11

EU foreign ministers gathered in Luxembourg to discuss developments with Wagner PMC in Russia EU foreign ministers gathered in Luxembourg to discuss developments with Wagner PMC in Russia
Photo: Wikipedia / EmDee

A meeting of foreign ministers from 27 EU states will begin today in Luxembourg. This press was told by the head of the government of Belgium, Alexander De Croo.

The heads of the European diplomatic departments are going to discuss the events of last Saturday, when the forces of PMC "Wagner" undertook the capture of the city of Rostov-on-Don and moved to Moscow. These events probably seriously alarmed the Western countries, so that although the conflict was settled on the same day, it will now be discussed for a long time.

In addition to the events in Russia, European diplomats will again raise the topic of assistance to Kyiv. They plan to find out what other support the Kiev regime needs. Also on the agenda are new sanctions against Iran, which, in the usual manner, European diplomats accuse of "violating human rights."

The representative of the European Union stressed that European countries are still counting on an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program, and this despite the fact that Brussels regularly imposes more and more new anti-Iranian sanctions.

To date, eight packages of sanctions have already been introduced against Iran, including freezing assets in European banks, prohibiting businesses from European countries from doing business with Iranian partners, as well as restrictions on entry into European countries for a number of representatives of Iranian government bodies, law enforcement agencies, prominent political figures. Against this background, the expectations of steps from Tehran towards an agreement on a nuclear deal look very strange.