Evidence on UK Poisoning Cases 'Not Forthcoming' – Green Party Leadership Bidder

06.07.2018 19:24

Evidence on UK Poisoning Cases 'Not Forthcoming' – Green Party Leadership Bidder Evidence on UK Poisoning Cases 'Not Forthcoming' – Green Party Leadership Bidder

London has no clear proof as to who may be responsible for both the March attack on Russian ex-intelligence officer Sergei Skripal and his daughter and the recent incident in Wiltshire, Shahrar Ali, ex-deputy leader of the Green Party of England and Wales, who announced his bid for the party leadership, told Sputnik on Friday.

"Whilst I understand the great concern that there will be if poison is used in any part of the country, I think the first and last piece of evidence that is required has not been forthcoming," Shahrar Ali said.

Escalating a crisis with another country without presenting any evidence that could be scrutinized by everyone was a wrong way of conducting foreign policy, Ali continued, stressing the necessity of ascertaining the clear facts on who might be responsible for the recent poisoning incidents in Amesbury and Salisbury, both located in Wiltshire.

The politician added that the chemical components apparently involved in these two cases could also be found outside of Russia.

"So I can understand when a country is trying to defend itself against accusations and may be wrongfully trying to defend itself… But that is to be expected… We need to have the facts at our disposal before we start escalating the crisis," the politician stressed.

Over the weekend, two people were hospitalized in Amesbury after being exposed to a toxic substance.

The UK police announced late on Thursday that the couple, Dawn Sturgess and Charlie Rowley, were believed to have handled an item allegedly contaminated with the same Novichok military-grade nerve agent which was used in the attack on the Skripals in the UK city of Salisbury, located several miles from Amesbury.

Although Moscow has denied any knowledge or involvement in the use of such a chemical agent on the UK soil, Home Secretary Sajid Javid demanded answers from the Russian government, stating it was unacceptable for UK towns to become "dumping grounds for poison."

In response to the news of the Amesbury incident, Russia's embassy in London issued a statement claiming Moscow was willing to cooperate with any investigation, an offer that has been in place since March.

London also accused Russia of orchestrating the attack on the Skripals. Russia denied having a role in the case over the lack of proof of its involvement presented by the United Kingdom. The situation led to an international row with scores of Russian diplomats expelled from the United Kingdom and other EU countries. Moscow expelled UK diplomats from Russia in response to the UK actions, too.