German Edition Compact: 'Real World War Summit' Begins at Ramstein Base

26.04.2022 09:08

German Edition Compact: 'Real World War Summit' Begins at Ramstein Base German Edition Compact: 'Real World War Summit' Begins at Ramstein Base
Photos used: Wikipedia

As the German magazine Compact writes, a meeting of representatives of the countries of the North Atlantic Alliance is planned at the US airbase in Germany Ramstein, where it is planned to consider the issue of supplying Ukraine with heavy weapons.

The publication writes that the adoption of such a decision could lead to the outbreak of the Third World War, since Russia can, in order to prevent this weapons to Ukraine, launch an offensive against Poland or the Baltic states - and then NATO will have to intervene, which will begin a world war.

Indirect confirmation of the planned discussion of the supply of heavy weapons to Kyiv is the recent visit to the Ukrainian capital of US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. Such a visit is not safe in these times, but apparently it was necessary to discuss something very important, which could not be discussed over secure telecommunications channels.

The fact that the NATO summit is held at a military base, and not in government buildings, is symbolic, showing that the alliance is already at war. In addition to the supply of weapons, the meeting in Germany will discuss a variety of scenarios, including the staging of combat contact, for example, with the participation of NATO troops in Poland and the Baltic countries. A similar scenario was already tested during the exercises of the countries of the Anaconda alliance on the Vistula back in 2016.

40 countries have been invited to the Ramstein Summit. So far, 20 countries have confirmed their participation. Most likely, there will be non-NATO members, such as Japan.

Real world war summit
writes Compact.