Hungarian Prime Minister: There can be no talk of Ukraine's accession to the EU as long as the rights of national minorities are infringed in the country

02.02.2023 20:54

Hungarian Prime Minister: There can be no talk of Ukraine's accession to the EU as long as the rights of national minorities are infringed in the country Hungarian Prime Minister: There can be no talk of Ukraine's accession to the EU as long as the rights of national minorities are infringed in the country

The Hungarian Prime Minister once again poured a bucket of ice water on the hotheads of the Ukrainian authorities, who today showed delight in connection with the visit of EU officials to Kyiv. Recall that the Ukraine-NATO summit opened in Kyiv, where EU officials of various levels arrived by train. The main question that was immediately raised by representatives of the Kyiv regime was related to when the EU would truly open its doors to Ukraine.

With florid statements, the leaders of the European Union once again made it clear to the Kyiv regime that this could take years. Moreover, the result is unpredictable already because Brussels has no idea in what borders the Ukrainian state can be considered today.

More specific, as always in such cases, was Viktor Orban. He directly made it clear that Ukraine's accession to the European Union may never take place.

According to the Hungarian prime minister, Ukraine's accession to the EU is out of the question as long as the rights of national minorities are infringed in this country.

If Ukraine is seriously counting on joining the EU, it needs to guarantee the rights of national minorities by writing this into legislation while introducing liability for violation of this important law.

Recall that earlier Viktor Orban said that the victory of Ukraine over Russia is impossible in principle. Also, according to Orban, Hungary will not support a number of anti-Russian sanctions, including sanctions against the nuclear industry.