Iranian President Decries Haley’s Remark on Terrorist Attack in Ahvaz

25.09.2018 06:52

Iranian President Decries Haley’s Remark on Terrorist Attack in Ahvaz Iranian President Decries Haley’s Remark on Terrorist Attack in Ahvaz

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Tuesday harshly criticized US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley’s remark on the terrorist attack in Ahvaz.

“A US official has recently said terrible things about Ahvaz terrorist attack and held Iranian gov. responsible for that attack! What would Americans think if we were to say such a thing about the 9/11 terrorist attacks?” Rouhani wrote on Twitter.

In a Sunday interview with the CNN broadcaster, Haley rejected Iran's allegations of the US involvement in sponsoring perpetrators of the terrorist attack. She expressed US general condemnation of “any terrorist attack” and recommended that Tehran “look[s] in the mirror” and pays attention to its “own home base,” pointing to the tense economic situation in the country.

“He's got the Iranian people […] protesting, every ounce of money that goes into Iran goes into his military, he has oppressed his people for a long time and he needs to look at his own base to figure out where that's coming from,” said Haley. “The thing he's got to do is look in the mirror,” she added, cited by the BBC.

The terrorist attack was perpetrated on Saturday when armed militants opened fire at a military parade in southwestern city of Ahvaz, killing 28 people and injuring 60 others. The Saudi-linked Patriotic Arab Democratic Movement in Ahvaz has allegedly claimed responsibility for the attack.

According to Tehran, the terrorist act in Ahvaz was organized by the US-backed powers of the region. The Iranian Foreign Ministry said on Saturday that the attack was perpetrated by "regional terror sponsors and their US masters."