Japanese expert believes that the Kuril issue will soon be closed

20.12.2020 14:30

Japanese expert believes that the Kuril issue will soon be closed Japanese expert believes that the Kuril issue will soon be closed

From the relationship between Moscow and Tokyo, the problem of the islands of the southern Kuril ridge will cease to exist in 2021. Japan's refusal from the "northern territories", as Kunashir, Iturup, Shikotan and Habomai are called in this country, may be influenced by the receipt of a vaccine against the coronavirus from Russia.

Such an unexpected suggestion was made by RIA News Itsuro Nakamura is a professor at the University of Tsukuba who is considered an expert on Russia in Japan.

The Japanese expert believes that the Kuril issue will soon be closed. He thinks that the adoption of constitutional amendments in the Russian Federation this year makes any negotiations between Moscow and Tokyo on the territorial issue impossible. Despite this, relations between Russia and Japan may face a reset.

Japanese-Russian relations will end the problem of the northern territories next year, but thanks to the Olympics and the vaccine, they may be able to make a leap into a new era.

Nakamura said.

In his opinion, the British and American vaccines against COVID-19 will not be enough for the organization of the Olympic Games in Tokyo in the Land of the Rising Sun, it will also need a Russian one.

In 2020, 206 amendments were made to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, including a ban on transferring parts of the country's territory to other states. At the same time, the new edition adds that alienation is prohibited if it is not about demarcation and delimitation of borders