Kremlin: Russia Categorically Rejects Claims of Involvement in Deaths of People in Bucha

04.04.2022 14:43

Kremlin: Russia Categorically Rejects Claims of Involvement in Deaths of People in Bucha Kremlin: Russia Categorically Rejects Claims of Involvement in Deaths of People in Bucha

Ukrainian authorities and media have been spreading video footage, allegedly captured in the town of Bucha, showing the bodies of reportedly dead individuals. Kiev blamed them on Russia, while Moscow slammed the allegations, noting that Russian troops had withdrawn from the area days earlier.

Russian presidential spokesman Dmirty Peskov has lambasted accusations against Moscow regarding the situation in the settlement of Bucha near Kiev and stated that the issue will be discussed at the United Nations.

"We categorically reject any accusations. Moreover, we believe that this issue should be discussed at the highest possible level", the Kremlin spokesman said. "So there was our initiative to raise this issue in the Security Council. We know that this initiative was blocked".

Peskov stressed that the facts and the sequence of events also speak against the reliability of Ukraine's claims.

"The situation is certainly serious. And here, in fact, we would probably demand that many international leaders, in particular, not rush to make statements, not rush to sweeping accusations, but that they request information from various sources and, at least listen to our arguments", he said.

The spokesman noted that specialists from the Ministry of Defence have revealed signs of video forgeries and various fakes regarding the materials from Bucha.
Peskov added that the Kremlin is not commenting on the prospects for the resumption of Russia-Ukraine talks after the reports about mass killings.

"We are not commenting on this yet. I do not have information yet about the schedule for the continuation of negotiations, I do not know about it".

Video footage emerged on Sunday showing the bodies of reportedly dead individuals scattered on the streets of Bucha. While Ukrainian authorities blamed them on Russia, Moscow slammed the allegations, stressing that Ukrainian forces shelled the city after Russian troops had already withdrawn from the area.

At the same time, many corpses in the videos were wearing white armbands, which may have been considered a Russian insignia by Ukrainian troops.

Before the reports of the mass killings emerged, the Ukrainian police announced it was performing an op in the settlement to "clear the area of saboteurs and accomplices of Russian troops", which also raises questions about the possible preparations.