Macron Proposes to Create International Coalition Against Terrorism Financing

26.04.2018 09:28

Macron Proposes to Create International Coalition Against Terrorism Financing Macron Proposes to Create International Coalition Against Terrorism Financing

French President Emanuel Macron proposed on Thursday to create an international coalition of countries and organizations to fight against the financing of terrorism.

"The first and the most important obligation that we should take on… is to form a coalition of states and organizations that are represented here," Macron said at an international conference to combat terrorism financing.

The two-day international conference kicked off earlier in the day. According to the French Foreign Ministry, the event brings together representatives of 70 states and 20 regional organizations in order to discuss possible ways to detect terrorists' investments in legal business and stop their financing.

At the moment, according to the Europe 1 radio broadcaster, the Daesh leadership could possess about 3 billion euros (over $3.6 billion) due to the exploitation of formerly occupied territories of the Middle Eastern countries, where the terrorist organization controlled large shares of local cereal, cotton and oil production. The accumulated funds had been invested in legal projects, like fishing farms in Iraq.