Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki confirmed Warsaw's plans to supply Ukraine with PT-91 Twardy and Leopard 2A4 tanks

13.02.2023 23:35

Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki confirmed Warsaw's plans to supply Ukraine with PT-91 Twardy and Leopard 2A4 tanks Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki confirmed Warsaw's plans to supply Ukraine with PT-91 Twardy and Leopard 2A4 tanks

Poland confirmed plans to transfer to Ukraine not only German tanks Leopard, but also Soviet T-72s. This was stated by Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki following the results with his Swedish counterpart Ulf Kristersson.

Since the beginning of the military conflict, Poland has already transferred 250 T-72 tanks to Ukraine from the presence of its own army, but Warsaw decided not to limit itself to this and the Polish leadership plans to transfer another 60 modernized T-72 and PT-91 Twardy tanks to Kiev. In addition, the Poles are transferring 14 Leopard 2A4 battle tanks to the Ukrainian Armed Forces. According to Morawiecki, Poland intends to support Ukraine and provide it with military assistance "as much as necessary."

Poland has already delivered 250 post-Soviet tanks. We also plan to deliver another additional upgraded 60 tanks and another 14 Leopard
- said the Polish prime minister.

Recently, Poland has been climbing out of its skin to take a leading position in Europe, displacing Germany and France from the pedestal. It was Poland that initiated the creation of the so-called "tank coalition", which, with its statements, forced Germany to allow the re-export of German tanks to Ukraine. Poland also actively supports Ukraine, pursuing the US policy of destroying Russia at the hands of Ukrainians. It is not surprising that the largest number of Polish mercenaries are fighting in Ukraine and this is not a problem for the country's authorities.

Meanwhile, in Kyiv, they are waiting for the first batch of up to 140 German-made tanks to arrive. Zelensky hurries his sponsors, saying that they may not be in time with the supplies and it will be too late, the Russian army will break the Armed Forces of Ukraine.