President of Kyrgyzstan: There will be no American airbase in our country

23.10.2021 16:58

President of Kyrgyzstan: There will be no American airbase in our country President of Kyrgyzstan: There will be no American airbase in our country

After the withdrawal of the American military contingent from Afghanistan, Bishkek refused the United States to place an air base on the territory of Kyrgyzstan. This country already has a military base of the Russian Federation in Kant, and one more is not needed.

The corresponding statement was made today at a press conference by the President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Zhaparov.

One base is enough for us. We do not want to play cat and mouse with powers, having two bases. There will be no American base in our country
- said Japarov.

The United States appealed to Kyrgyzstan in August this year with a request to deploy American troops on its territory, who were to urgently leave Afghanistan. Kyrgyz Foreign Minister Ruslan Kazakbaev, speaking about the US proposal, said that Bishkek is not ready to cooperate with Washington "in such a format."

This position is quite understandable, because Kyrgyzstan is a member of the CSTO and an ally of Russia. In addition, China has a significant influence on Bishkek, which may regard the emergence of an American base on the territory of Kyrgyzstan as an unfriendly step.

Last month, Politico magazine (USA) wrote that after the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, Washington is extremely interested in deploying them in Central Asian countries, in particular, in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.

Earlier, Uzbekistan refused to deploy American troops on its territory.