Putin Says Gas Hub in Turkey Could Be Platform for Supplies and Determining Prices

13.10.2022 19:26

Putin Says Gas Hub in Turkey Could Be Platform for Supplies and Determining Prices Putin Says Gas Hub in Turkey Could Be Platform for Supplies and Determining Prices

Russian President Vladimir Putin told Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday about the idea of creating a gas hub in Turkey, adding that it could be a platform not only for supplies but also for determining prices.

After consultations at the Russian Energy Week on Wednesday, the Russian side suggested considering building another gas pipeline system and creating a gas hub in Turkey for sales to third countries.

"During the work of this hub, which we could create together, of course, it would be a platform not only for supplies but also for determining prices. Because pricing, this is a very important issue. These prices are exorbitant today," Putin said at a meeting with Erdogan in Astana, adding that "could calmly regulate [prices] at a normal, market level without any political overtones."

He also noted that Turkey is the most reliable partner for the transit of Russian energy to Europe.

"The supplies of our hydrocarbons, including gas, are in full in accordance with your requests. We also carry out transit through Turkey to European countries. Turkey turned out to be the most reliable route today for deliveries even to Europe," the president stressed.

Commenting on the proposal, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated later in the day that Ankara was very interested in the project.

At the same time, president Erdogan noted that Ankara and Moscow would work on the delivery of Russian agricultural products to poor countries.

“We can work together to specify those countries that need Russian products. It is important for us that the products are delivered to the countries in need. Even if these joint steps of Turkey and the Russian Federation disturb some well-known circles, they will make the needy countries happy,” he said.

The two presidents held negotiations in Astana for around 1.5 hours, according to Turkish media.

Putin voiced the idea to create a gas hub on Wednesday, addressing the sabotage against the Nord Stream pipelines. He stated that part of Baltic transit may be directed to Europe via the Black Sea. However, he once again stressed that Moscow won't be delivering any resources if the EU adopts price caps.

The Nord Stream pipeline network suffered from explosions on September 26, which led to a massive leakage under the Baltic Sea. The operator, Nord Stream AG, said the damage was unprecedented and that it was impossible to estimate when exactly the pipeline would be operational again.

Moscow branded the attack as international terrorism, while European Union officials also said that the gas link was sabotaged.