Refusal to Cooperate With Russia to Confirm Skripal Case Was Western Provocation

18.04.2018 20:16

Refusal to Cooperate With Russia to Confirm Skripal Case Was Western Provocation Refusal to Cooperate With Russia to Confirm Skripal Case Was Western Provocation

Russia's permanent representative to the OPCW said that further refusal to cooperation with Russia would confirm suspicions that the Skripal case was a gross provocation by western intelligence services.

Russia's permanent representative also said Wednesday that Russia was not alone in supporting an unbiased probe into the Salisbury incident during the session of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Executive Council dedicated to the poisoning case of former Russian intelligence officer Sergei Skripal in the United Kingdom.

"I should tell you that we have not felt ourselves alone during today's session of the [OPCW] Executive Council. There were sound statements and voices from some states, such as Pakistan, India, Brazil and South Africa. There were calls for an unbiased and comprehensive investigation to find out the truth in order to understand the details of the Salisbury incident," Alexander Shulgin said at a press conference.

He stressed that it was time for Russia and the United Kingdom to reach agreement on fully-fledged cooperation in investigation of the Salisbury incident.

"Maybe, it is high time for us and the UK side to agree on the beginning of a full-fledged cooperation [on the Salisbury incident]," Alexander Shulgin said at a press conference.