Russia Urges UK to Give Data on Russian Citizens' Involvement in Skripal Case

05.09.2018 15:01

Russia Urges UK to Give Data on Russian Citizens' Involvement in Skripal Case Russia Urges UK to Give Data on Russian Citizens' Involvement in Skripal Case

The Russian Prosecutor General's Office is determined to cooperate with UK law enforcement agencies on the case of the attempted murder of Russian citizen Yulia Skripal and expects to receive evidence of possible involvement of Russian citizens, Prosecutor General's Office spokesman Alexander Kurennoy told Sputnik on Wednesday.

"We continue to insist on cooperation with UK law enforcement agencies on this case and still expect to receive materials with evidence base, which our foreign colleagues claim to have, including regarding the possible involvement of certain Russian citizens in the attempted murder of Skripals," Kurennoy said.

According to Russia's envoy to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Alexander Shulgin, photos and names provided by the UK police don't prove that Russia involved in the Skripal poisoning case.

Earlier in the day, the UK Crown Prosecution Service said that it had sufficient evidence to charge two Russian nationals, Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov, in Salisbury nerve agent attack. The Scotland Yard released pictures of the two suspects and said it was seeking to circulate Interpol Red Notices.


Following the publication, Russian Foreign Ministry's spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that an investigation into serious crimes claimed by the United Kingdom required scrupulous analysis of data and close cooperation.