Russia Views US Statements About Potentially Sending Troops to Eastern Europe as Provocative

15.12.2021 09:33

Russia Views US Statements About Potentially Sending Troops to Eastern Europe as Provocative Russia Views US Statements About Potentially Sending Troops to Eastern Europe as Provocative

During a secure video call last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin briefed his American counterpart Joe Biden on Kiev's failure to comply with the Minsk peace agreements, also pointing to NATO's military buildup near Russia's borders.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov has told Sputnik that the White House's statement about the US contemplating sending troops to Eastern Europe in the event of an aggravation of the situation around Ukraine is a "provocative signal".

"[…] It is unclear why the US administration is doing this, instead of focusing on an alternative way to strengthen security, which was offered by Russia in the form of the guarantees that were earlier mentioned", Ryabkov stated.

The statement follows White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki telling a news briefing that Washington is considering sending US troops to Eastern Europe if the situation over Ukraine deteriorates.