Syrian Opposition Says Wants to Discuss Constitutional Commission

29.07.2018 20:52

Syrian Opposition Says Wants to Discuss Constitutional Commission Syrian Opposition Says Wants to Discuss Constitutional Commission

The delegation of the Syrian opposition wants to discuss the situation in Idlib province, the release of detainees as well as the constitutional commission at the Astana-format talks on Syria in the Russian resort city of Sochi on July 30-31, head of the delegation Ahmad Toma told Sputnik on Sunday.

"There will be three main topics: Idlib, release of detainees and constitutional commission," Toma said.

Toma added that the return of refugees was a new topic and would also be on the agenda. On detainees, Toma said he believed the creation of a mechanism that would help solve the issue of detainees was possible.

The decision to set up the constitutional commission was made at the Syrian congress held in Sochi in late January.

The delegation of the Syrian opposition for the talks in Sochi comprises around 10 people and is headed by Toma, official spokesman for the delegation Ayman Asimi said. Sochi is hosting the 10th high-level meeting of the guarantor states on Syria in the so-called Astana format.

Toma is the representative of the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces and the former head of the "interim government" that the coalition proclaimed. The delegation of the Syrian opposition is expected to arrive in Sochi in early hours of Monday.