Trump demands full restoration of UN sanctions on Iran, as Pompeo warns Russia & China not to meddle

20.08.2020 06:23

Trump demands full restoration of UN sanctions on Iran, as Pompeo warns Russia & China not to meddle Trump demands full restoration of UN sanctions on Iran, as Pompeo warns Russia & China not to meddle

US President Donald Trump said the State Department will soon attempt to trigger a “snap back” of UN sanctions on Iran, as the top American diplomat threatened consequences for Moscow and Beijing if they try to block the effort.

“Today I'm directing the Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to notify the United Nations Security Council that the United States intends to restore virtually all of the United Nations sanctions on Iran – it’s a snap back, not uncommon,” Trump told reporters during a White House press conference on Wednesday.

When the United States entered into the Iran deal, it was clear the United States would always have the right to restore the UN sanctions that would prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon.

“My administration will not allow this Iran nuclear situation to go on,” Trump added, claiming that if he is re-elected, Tehran will immediately crawl back begging for a deal with Washington.

The secretary of state will travel to the UN Security Council (UNSC) in New York on Thursday to begin the process of restoring the penalties, the State Department said. Pompeo warned in a Fox interview earlier on Wednesday that China and Russia would be held “accountable” should they vote against the move, which he said would come in the form of a “a fully valid, enforceable UN Security Council resolution.”

Though Washington has long since revived all US sanctions on Iran predating the 2015 nuclear pact between Tehran and world powers, a series of UN penalties remain suspended under the terms of the deal. After failing to persuade the UNSC to extend an arms embargo on Tehran last week – set to expire in October – US officials vowed to invoke a provision of the nuclear agreement that would “snap back” the previous UN sanctions.

Both Tehran and US allies in Europe have questioned the legality of the move, given that Washington stepped out of the nuclear deal in 2018 – effectively abandoning its obligations while still hoping to invoke its powers. European parties to the agreement warn the renewed penalties could implode the deal altogether, as sanctions relief has been Tehran’s primary concern.