Trump in Talks With Russian FM Lavrov Calls for Including China in Global Arms Control Agreements

11.12.2019 06:09

Trump in Talks With Russian FM Lavrov Calls for Including China in Global Arms Control Agreements Trump in Talks With Russian FM Lavrov Calls for Including China in Global Arms Control Agreements

US President Donald Trump in a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov emphasized his support for effective global arms control that includes China, the White House said in a statement.

Arms Control

"President Trump also emphasized his support for effective global arms control that includes not only Russia, but also China," the White House's statement said on Tuesday.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov indicated that Russia had offered to extend the new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) with the United States  and was ready to consider all possible options in that respect.

"We have offered Washington to consider any options to extend the agreement," Lavrov told journalists.

Earlier in the day, speaking at a press conference after a meeting with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Lavrov reconfirmed Russia's position that it is prepared to extend the New START. He again pointed to Russia's readiness to extend the treaty after talks with Trump.

"We paid special attention to strategic stability … There is only one active treaty between Russia and the United States, that’s the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, START-3 … We reiterated our proposal that this treaty be extended," Lavrov told journalists after his meeting with the US president.

Earlier on Tuesday, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told journalists in Washington that the work of communication channels between Russia and the United States, particularly on issues of strategic stability and security, was stalled and there had been no progress since July.

Russia has suggested that the United States extend the New START treaty for five years or for a shorter period if desired, Ryabkov announced earlier this month.

New START is the last remaining arms control treaty in force between Russia and the United States. Signed in 2010, the pact stipulates that the number of strategic nuclear missiles launchers must be cut by half and limits the number of deployed strategic nuclear warheads to 1,550.

Trade and Bilateral Relations

Trump also highlighted that improved relations between the United States and Russia could lead to increased bilateral trade.

"The President noted that a better relationship with Russia would allow increased trade between our countries," according to the White House's statement.

Lavrov said that Russia and the United States continue to discuss the consultative business council proposed by President Vladimir Putin and his US counterpart Donald Trump.

The idea of creating a bilateral business council was voiced during a meeting between Putin and Trump in Helsinki in 2018. It was brought up again when the two leaders met in Japan’s Osaka this summer.

"Our [American] colleagues said that they support the initiative, and at the behest of President Trump they are forming their concrete reaction to it," Lavrov told reporters.

The US president and Russian foreign minister also discussed possible progress that both countries can make on freeing citizens detained by the other country.

"President Trump welcomed continued engagement with Russia to address areas of mutual concern, including how the United States and Russia can take positive steps with respect to detained citizens," the statement said.

Lavrov said that the US president was considering travelling to Moscow for the Victory Day celebration on May 9, 2020.

"President Putin invited President Trump to visit the Victory Day celebration in Moscow on the ninth of May. That happened during their meeting in Osaka, Japan, and today I confirmed that invitation, as instructed by the President. Donald Trump is currently considering that invitation," Lavrov said. "We do hope that if such an opportunity arises, we would be able to conduct a full-length bilateral dialogue."

Trump in a statement said he had a very good meeting with the Russian foreign minister and looks forward to continuing dialogue in the near future.

"Just had a very good meeting with Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and representatives of Russia," Trump said via Twitter on Tuesday. "Discussed many items including Trade, Iran, North Korea, INF [Intermediate Nuclear Forces] Treaty, Nuclear Arms Control, and Election Meddling. Look forward to continuing our dialogue in the near future."

Nord Stream 2

The Russian foreign minister said that the United States sanctions would not stop the completion of the Nord Stream-2 pipeline project.

"Congress is today literally overwhelmed with a desire to do everything to destroy our relationship. The work started by the Obama administration continues. But we are used to these kinds of attacks; we know how to respond to them. I assure you that neither Nord Stream-2 nor Turkish Stream are going to be stopped by them, that is not going to happen," Lavrov said.

Situation in Persian Gulf

Lavrov said he had discussed with US President Trump the necessity of taking measures to prevent an escalation of the crisis in the Persian Gulf.

"We talked today about the fact that it’s necessary to take some steps to prevent the crisis in the Persian Gulf from aggravating and to take some steps in relations with the problems that have arisen because of the unilateral withdrawal of the United States from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action [JCPOA] on the settlement of the Iranian nuclear program," Lavrov told journalists in Washington.

In May 2018, the United States began the process of reimposing previously lifted sanctions against Tehran after withdrawing from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), an agreement between Iran, China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany and the European Union requiring the Iranian authorities to scale back the country's nuclear program and uranium reserves in return for sanctions relief.