China Foreign Ministry Summons US Envoy Over Huawei Executive's Arrest

09.12.2018 16:07

China Foreign Ministry Summons US Envoy Over Huawei Executive's Arrest China Foreign Ministry Summons US Envoy Over Huawei Executive's Arrest

China's Foreign Ministry has said that the next steps it takes in dealing with the case will depend on the measures taken by the US.

China's Foreign Ministry summoned the US Ambassador to Beijing Terry Branstad on Sunday to express protest over the arrest of Huawei's CFO Meng Wanzhou.

The ministry also said that the US had to withdraw the arrest warrant for Wanzhou, who was taken into custody in Vancouver at the US request last Saturday.

Touching upon how China would act next, Vice Foreign Minister Le Yucheng noted that they would closely scrutinize the further steps the US takes.

Prior to expressing their protest to the US ambassador, the day before, the Chinese Foreign Ministry summoned Canadian Ambassador to China John McCallum to reiterate their strong opposition to Meng's arrest.

The move came after Huawei chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou was arrested in Vancouver last Saturday at the request of US law enforcement officials; she was reportedly charged with fraud for telling UK-based banking company HSBC that the Chinese tech giant was in full compliance with US sanctions against Iran while one of its subsidiaries was not in compliance of the restrictions.

In mid-August, Washington enacted legislation banning US government agencies from using Huawei products amid concerns that the company's mobile phones "pose an unacceptable risk to the [Pentagon's] personnel, information and mission."