'Mayhem' & 'Revolution' If Brexit Not Delivered - Yellow Vests UK Tell Sputnik

14.12.2018 20:45

'Mayhem' & 'Revolution' If Brexit Not Delivered - Yellow Vests UK Tell Sputnik 'Mayhem' & 'Revolution' If Brexit Not Delivered - Yellow Vests UK Tell Sputnik

Yellow vest-wearing activists took to the streets of London on Friday, blocking traffic and chanting pro-Brexit slogans. They spoke to Sputnik about their mistrust in politicians and hopes for a clean exit from the European Union.

An activist told Sputnik they voted for Brexit because they wanted to reclaim control of their own country.

"We don't want to be part of the federal European superstate that's going to erode our rights and take away democracy. This is Britain. We are not European. We have never been European. This is our land and we are taking it back. If the political class don't like it, they will see a revolution like they've never seen before. It is time to take up the spirit of Oliver Cromwell, rise up and reclaim what's rightfully ours," a protester told Sputnik.

Inspired by the recent "gilet jaunes" movement in France, the London protest saw activists on Friday protest outside Downing Street, as well as Westminster Bridge, Tower Bridge and London Bridge.

They warned they were not going anywhere and were determined to support the Brexit cause among others.

"The yellow vests is just a start. This will spread out to the whole country," an activist told Sputnik.

The UK Prime Minister Theresa May battles for concessions on the current Brexit withdrawal deal in Brussels, prompted by deep mistrust and opposition in the UK Parliament.

During a press conference on Friday, the PM confirmed Downing Street is also making preparations for a no-deal scenario.

"We don't want the deal. Dump the deal. No deal Brexit but trading under World Trade Organization terms. Our fishing industry was decimated by the European Union. We have seen mass migration. We've the outsourcing of all of our factories going into the EU. We can't have this anymore. This country is being raped and pillaged. It is time we stood up for what we believed in," an activist told Sputnik.

Speaking about the possibility of a second referendum on the nature of the deal, another activist said:

"If there is a second referendum, there will be mayhem. We will make sure that the polling stations are unreachable. The will of the people has to be respected. If it isn't — you will see riots that make riots in France seem like nothing."