Merkel Refused to Join Military Action in Syria Over Public Backlash - AfD

13.04.2018 18:15

Merkel Refused to Join Military Action in Syria Over Public Backlash - AfD Merkel Refused to Join Military Action in Syria Over Public Backlash - AfD

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision not to participate in potential military action against Syria in connection with an alleged chemical attack in Douma was made out of fear of resentment from the German population, Albert Breininge, a member of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, told Sputnik.

"This decision is Merkel’s strategic maneuver. She had to act with caution. In Germany, you will not score political points on participation in military operations, especially, since the Bundeswehr [German military] is already involved in Afghanistan and elsewhere," Breininger said.

The politician reminded that the Alternative for Germany was strongly opposing involvement of Germany in any operations which may backlash on the country.

"We are openly saying in Bundestag that we are against any foreign policy decisions that could harm Germany itself. We are for peace with Russia, we also continue to remind our government that the presumption of innocence applies to all countries, including in the case of Skripal," he noted.

On Thursday, Merkel announced that Berlin would not participate in possible military action against Syria but supported sending a message that the use of chemical weapons was unacceptable.

Reports about the alleged attack in the town of Douma, located in the Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta, emerged on Saturday on various Syrian opposition media platforms. The European Union and the United States immediately blamed the forces of Syrian President Bashar Assad for the incident, with Washington announcing a possible punitive strike against Syria and its allies Paris and London mulling to join the move.

Damascus refuted the claims that chemical attack took place in the city of Douma in Eastern Ghouta and denied the statements that Damascus was behind it, recalling that all chemical stockpiles of the country had been destroyed under the OPCW control.

Moscow has called for a thorough investigation into the alleged attack to be conducted before conclusions are drawn.