More Than 1,000 Ceasefire Agreements Signed in Syria in 2017

29.12.2017 23:22

More Than 1,000 Ceasefire Agreements Signed in Syria in 2017 More Than 1,000 Ceasefire Agreements Signed in Syria in 2017

The Russian Center for Syrian Reconciliation reported that leaders of illegal armed formations have signed 140 ceasefire application forms.

More than 1,000 ceasefire agreements have been signed with Syrian towns and settlements in 2017, the Russian Center for Syrian Reconciliation said Saturday.

"This year, more than 1,000 ceasefire agreements have been signed with towns and settlements. Leaders of illegal armed formations have signed 140 ceasefire application forms," the center said in a statement.

The main objects of socially significant infrastructure in Syria have been recovered in 2017, it added.

"Due to joint work of the Russian Centre and leadership of Syrian provinces, 88 medical establishments, 178 schools, 35 kindergartens, 152 water and electricity supply facilities have been recovered," the center said in a statement.

It also said that the further activities held by the Russian Centre for reconciliation of opposing sides would be aimed at reaching political settlement of the crisis and providing all-round assistance to Syrians.

Center for Syrian Reconciliation also reported that the number of UN humanitarian convoys delivering aid to de-escalation zones in Syria increased by 50 percent in the fourth quarter of 2017 compared to the third quarter.

"Number of UN humanitarian convoys delivering assistance in de-escalation zones has increased by 50% in comparison with the third quarter of 2017. Volumes of delivered humanitarian assistance have increased by 31% reaching more than 7,000 tons," the report said.

It is noted that since the beginning of 2017, the Center for Reconciliation had provided security to more than 140 UN convoys delivering 18,000 tonnes of humanitarian cargo.

The Center for Reconciliation itself has carried out 1,296 humanitarian actions in 2017, delivering over 2,000 tonnes of food, medicines and household items and providing medical care to 67,000 Syrians.