Turkey Fighting Terrorism, Not Waging War in Syria – Prime Minister

17.02.2018 19:19

Turkey Fighting Terrorism, Not Waging War in Syria – Prime Minister Turkey Fighting Terrorism, Not Waging War in Syria – Prime Minister

Ankara is not fighting a war in Syria but is fighting against terrorism, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said on Sunday.

"We are not conducting a war against any country. There is not a war in Syria, as we speak. In Syria, it’s just that there is a fight against terrorism currently. And this is not a fight which is conducted by Turkey only. There are 62 coalition member countries who are conducting this, including Russia, Iran, and Turkey. We are a part of NATO, and we are within the coalition, and we provide air support to the coalition. And in NATO, through our NATO bases we help out with the operations," Yildirim said during the Munich Security Conference.

Terrorists have been using weapons from the United States and Russia, which were either provided directly or which they obtained through illegitimate means, Yildirim continued.

Ankara’s actions in Syria are in compliance with the international law and treaties, the Turkish prime minister pointed out.

Turkey launched Operation "Olive Branch" in the northern Syrian Kurdish-held district of Afrin on January 20. Ankara has said its offensive is aimed at clearing the Turkish border with Syria from terrorists. Turkey considers the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) and the Democratic Union Party (PYD) to be linked to the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), listed as a terrorist organization by Ankara.

Damascus has expressed its opposition to the Turkish operation in Afrin, saying that such actions violated Syrian sovereignty.