UK 'Will Always Stand by Whole UK Family, Including Gibraltar' - PM May

24.11.2018 12:39

UK 'Will Always Stand by Whole UK Family, Including Gibraltar' - PM May UK 'Will Always Stand by Whole UK Family, Including Gibraltar' - PM May

According to UK Prime Minister Theresa May, the deal negotiators have worked through Gibraltar-related issues in 'a constructive and sensible way,' and the agreement will be in line with the implementation period.

The United Kingdom is committed to "always stand by Gibraltar", British Prime Minister Theresa May said on Saturday following confirmation that Spain managed to get sufficient assurances regarding the peninsula to move Brexit forward.

"We will always negotiate on behalf of the whole UK family, including Gibraltar," May said on the verge of talks in Brussels with Donald Tusk, the chairman of EU leaders' summit.

According to May, the sides have worked through Gibraltar-related issues in 'a constructive and sensible way,' ensuring that the entire deal covers the matters by the implementation period.

The prime minister's comments come amid a looming EU summit scheduled Sunday during which 27 leaders are expected to endorse the draft Brexit deal, including the withdrawal agreement and the declaration on the future EU-UK relations.

Earlier on Saturday, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez stated on Saturday that Spain has reached a deal with the European Union on Gibraltar — the step will clear the way for a EU summit on Sunday which is hoped to result in the Brexit deal's approval.