US May Be Preparing New Military Actions in Syria - Russian Ambassador

08.02.2018 10:09

US May Be Preparing New Military Actions in Syria - Russian Ambassador US May Be Preparing New Military Actions in Syria - Russian Ambassador

It is possible that the US is preparing a new military action against Syria in order to undermine the progress in the political settlement, Russian Ambassador to Damascus Alexander Kinshchak said.

"In recent days, the topic of the use of sarin and chlorine by government forces in East Ghouta and Idlib has been actively revitalized. Given the sad experience of Khan Sheikhoun, it cannot be ruled out that in this way a new force action is being prepared against Syria in order to support the defeated militants and undermine the positive progress in the political settlement process that emerged after the successful holding of the Congress of the Syrian national dialogue in Sochi," he said.

The United States is trying to push for new anti-Syria sanctions in the United Nations, which would violate its sovereignty, Russian Ambassador to Syria said.

According to him, it is very revealing how the joint mechanism of the UN-OPCW investigation "dealt" with the terrorist attack in Khan Sheikhoun, which "simply wrote the conclusions under the dictation of western countries, not giving a damn about the obvious facts and materials that refuted the scheme, that "Bashar Assad is to blame for everything".

The West is using the Syrian chemical dossier in the campaign against Russia, any positive changes in the situation are unlikely, Kinshchak said.

"For the West, this is an important card in its consistently anti-Syrian, and now also an anti-Russian game. [It is] a tool for constant pressure on Damascus and its allies, primarily Moscow. A tool to manipulate the world public opinion through the demonization of 'Bashar Assad's criminal regime.' A proven and fairly effective way to influence impressionable ordinary people who are brainwashed by all leading Western media,” Kinshchak said.

"It is concerning that Washington's rhetoric in this regard is becoming more belligerent. It seems that they do not proceed from specific incidents involving the use of poisonous substances, but from rumors, more precisely — from deliberately spread disinformation,” Kinshchak added.

The ambassador noted that any positive changes in the situation around chemical dossier were rather unlikely.

"Tell you straight up, the situation is very tense. Any changes for the better apparently can hardly be expected. Moreover, as the government forces with the support of the Russian Aerospace Forces are liberating new territories from terrorists, the situation around the chemical dossier is only heating up,” Kinshchak said.

According to the UN-OPCW report, the government of Syrian President Bashar Assad is allegedly responsible for the use of sarin in Idlib, while Daesh terrorist group is responsible for the use of sulfur mustard in Umm Hawsh.

Russia has slammed the document, stating that the report looked more like an unprofessional document, and was based mostly on assumptions and the selective use of evidence.

After the report's release, the Russian Defense Ministry, Foreign Ministry and Ministry of Industry and Trade have presented a report on chemical attacks in Syria, debunking all three main points in the document, which allegedly prove Damascus' involvement in the incident.

The new accusations against the Syrian government come amid the US-led coalition's military operation in Syria. The alliance consisting of more than 60 states since 2014 without an official request from Damascus or UN approval.

The coalition has been repeatedly accused of killing civilians and evacuating militants from Syrian war zones.